Published: 2022-01-11

Research Articles

Diameter distribution model development of tropical hybrid Eucalyptus clonal plantations in Sumatera, Indonesia: A comparison of estimation methods

Joni Waldy, John A. Kershaw Jr, Aaron Weiskittel, Mark J. Ducey (Author)
Abstract 1725 | PDF Downloads 1541

Effect of inoculation with arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi on growth of Catalpa bungei

Panpan Meng, Wei Chen, Huan Feng, Shouxia Zhang, Junhui Wang, Wenjun Ma, Guijuan Yang, Chunyan Wang (Author)
Abstract 600 | PDF Downloads 987

Selection of Pinus spp. progenies in Lavras (Minas Gerais, Brazil) at 36 months of age

Érick Martins Nieri, Antônio Carlos Porto, Rodolfo Soares de Almeida, Lucas Amaral de Melo, Eduardo Willian Resende, Generci Assis Neves, Luana Maria dos Santos, Júlio Cézar Tannure Faria (Author)
Abstract 511 | PDF Downloads 838

History of slope instability in the Oldina plantation, Tasmania

Adrian Slee, Peter D. McIntosh (Author)
Abstract 544 | PDF Downloads 715

Developing fully compatible taper and volume equations for all stem components of Eucalyptus globoidea Blakely trees in New Zealand

Daniel Boczniewicz, Euan G. Mason, Justin A. Morgenroth (Author)
Abstract 827 | Additional File Downloads 422 PDF Downloads 954

Characterisation of harvest residues on New Zealand’s steepland plantation cutovers

Campbell Harvey, Rien Visser (Author)
Abstract 868 | PDF Downloads 1358

Differentiating individuals of Armillaria species in New Zealand forests

Sarah Dodd, Farhat Shah, Mark Kimberley, Chanatda Somchit, Ian Hood (Author)
Abstract 552 | PDF Downloads 650

Use of biodegradable polyester-based microvessels for micropropagation of mature Eucalyptus microcorys

Júlio Cézar Tannure Faria (Author); Caius Ribeiro-Kumara; Rayssa Silva da Rocha Costa, Erick Martins Nieri, Dulcinéia de Carvalho, José Eduardo Brasil Pereira Pinto, Alfredo Rodrigues de Sena Neto, Gilvano Ebling Brondani (Author)
Abstract 601 | PDF Downloads 745

Prediction of noise emission in the machining of wood materials by means of an artificial neural network

Şükrü Özşahin, Hilal Singer (Author)
Abstract 545 | PDF Downloads 770

Genetic variation in wood properties of mid-rotation age Eucalyptus globoidea

Ebenezer A. Iyiola, Clemens M. Altaner, Luis A. Apiolaza (Author)
Abstract 706 | PDF Downloads 770

Predicting resin pockets and blemishes in radiata pine lumber from log properties

Trevor G. Jones, Jun Li Yang, Don L. McConchie, Geoffrey M. Downes (Author)
Abstract 470 | PDF Downloads 636

Taper and individual tree volume equations of Eucalyptus varieties under contrasting irrigation regimes

Juan Carlos Valverde, Rafael Rubilar, Alex Medina, Oscar Mardones, Verónica Emhart, Daniel Bozo, Yosselin Espinoza, Octavio Campoe (Author)
Abstract 831 | PDF Downloads 1108

More timber from fewer trees – determining what tree density optimises silver beech merchantable yield based upon a long-term thinning trial

Tomas Easdale, Robert B. Allen, Larry E. Burrows, David Henley, Dudley A. Franklin (Author)
Abstract 476 | PDF Downloads 654

Infection periods of Phytophthora pluvialis and Phytophthora kernoviae in relation to weather variables and season in Pinus radiata forests in New Zealand

Ian A. Hood, Sean Husheer, Judy F. Gardner, Tony W. Evanson, Gordon Tieman, Catherine Banham, Liam A.H. Wright, Stuart Fraser (Author)
Abstract 605 | PDF Downloads 559

Efficacy and optimal timing of low-volume aerial applications of copper fungicides for the control of red needle cast of pine

Stuart Fraser, Mike Baker, Grant Pearse, Christine L. Todoroki, Honey Jane Estarija, Ian A. Hood, Lindsay S. Bulman, Chanatda Somchit, Carol A. Rolando (Author)
Abstract 689 | PDF Downloads 558

Field performance of progenies of Pinus radiata selected for resistance to Diplodia-associated shoot dieback

Rowland D. Burdon, Charles B. Low (Author)
Abstract 227 | Additional File Downloads 170 Additional File Downloads 97 PDF Downloads 180


Silviculture of South American temperate native forests

Pablo J. Donoso, Alvaro Promis, Gabriel A. Loguercio, Hernan Attis Beltrán, Marina Caselli, Luis M. Chauchard, Gustavo Cruz, Marcelo González Peñalba, Guillermo Martínez Pastur, Celso Navarro, Patricio Núñez, Christian Salas-Eljatib, Daniel P. Soto, Angélica Vásquez-Grandón (Author)
Abstract 1279 | PDF Downloads 1410

Science, policy, and sustainable indigenous forestry in New Zealand

Matt S. McGlone, Peter J. Bellingham, Sarah J. Richardson (Author)
Abstract 1695 | PDF Downloads 2571